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Free 24/7 Auto Accident & Injury Helpline

1-800-ASK-GARY is a free 24/7 auto accident helpline. ASK GARY is a qualifying provider of legal referrals and markets for Physicians Group, LLC.

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Most Common Car Accidents

Most Common Car Accidents

Unfortunately, car accidents can happen. In fact, everyone will be involved in a car accident at least once in their life. Whether it’s a minor accident or a major one, accidents happen, and it can be stressful or painful. There are 350,000 traffic crashes alone in Florida each year. 1-800-ASK-Gary can provide you with the

Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving Dangers

Let’s face it, in today’s day and age we are constantly surrounded by growing technologies and distractions. As much as we love the addition of social media, texting, and calling into our everyday lives, it’s all dangerous once you get behind the wheel. What is distracted driving? Distracted driving is any activity that diverts the